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Lynn Reddick



I grew up on a farm not far from Savannah, Georgia, where moss-laden trees graced the landscape around our house. Most childhood days were filled with farm chores; feeding pigs, milking cows, plowing a mule, and lugging a sack up endless rows in a cotton patch. On hot days when the sun seemed stuck in the sky, I remember starring at planes flying overhead and thinking, “One day, I won’t pick cotton, but I’ll be up there in an airplane, seeing the world.”

In the fall of 1961, I enrolled in Mercer University and began the pursuit of a college education which seemed to elude me at times. I became student pastor of two small congregations on the weekends. But, come summertime, I’d hold revival meetings in 12 to 15 churches. Only one stands out in my mind: the one when I met and later married a sweet little pianist named Linda.

The next six years of seminary following college graduation were years of academic excellence but spiritual stagnation and shipwreck. My heart grew cold to the things of God. Rebellion and pride entangled me in the web of lukewarm Christianity.

In 1976, tragedy struck our family. My wife, Linda lost all of the feeling in her entire body over a two-day period! Numbness encased her from head to toe. To this isolation from human touch was added the torment of burning skin and the sensation of pins sticking in her much of the time. It was the touch of hell!

The first few years were ones of severe testing for both of us—emotional, physical, and spiritual. Often Linda was in deep depression, several times at the point of suicide. We cried out to a God whom we were told did not heal or do miracles today.

The spring of 1979, I resigned as pastor of a 1600 member church. Desperate for answers, I took my family and headed for the hills—the mountains of North Carolina, where we lived in a log cabin for two years. There we searched for answers from what seemed to be a silent God. We had exhausted all human avenues of help for a cure for Linda’s total body numbness, from Duke Hospital to Johns Hopkins.  No man could help us out of this hellish prison that had pushed us to the brink of utter despair.

Two years later, we moved from the mountains to Augusta, Georgia, where I served as pastor of a struggling inner city church. Almost immediately, new people began to come to that church who believed in miracles and the present-day power of the Holy Spirit. What if miracles are for today and God will heal Linda? This question offended every denominational doctrine I ever believed.

But, a present-day God was our last hope.

After several months of intense Bible study and prayer, Linda attended a Faith Seminar led by Kenneth Hagin where the Spirit of the Living God touched her. Later that night in her motel room, Christ the Healer lovingly wrapped His arms around her—driving out the numbness and restoring the sense of touch over her body—ending seven years of hellish torment and isolation.

Linda’s miraculous healing drove me on a three-year search for the God who did miracles today. Much head knowledge bound me in my own prison of unbelief and numbness to the things of a miracle-working God.

November 30, 1984, was the day I walked into a holy ambush! In this serendipitous event, the Holy Spirit cleaned, filled, and empowered me to fulfill the ministry assigned in 1960. It was an Acts 1:8 moment!

Now, some 50 years down the road walking in ministry with Him, I am amazed at events that have led me from a child in the cotton patch gazing up at airplanes, to ministry around the globe.


Formal Training

Lynn earned a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Divinity, Master of Theology, Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).


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